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API RP 571 3rd Ed (March-2020).pdf - View Online or Download for Free

API 571 PDF 2020 Free Download: A Guide for Corrosion and Materials Professionals

Corrosion and degradation are natural processes that deteriorate the properties and performance of materials and structures when exposed to an environment. Corrosion and degradation can cause weight loss or gain, material loss, changes in physical and mechanical properties, component weakening or failure. The rate and extent of corrosion and degradation depend on the type of material and the aggressiveness of the environment.

Corrosion and degradation are especially prevalent in oil refineries and other industrial applications where fixed equipment such as pressure vessels, piping, tanks, heat exchangers, reactors, furnaces, boilers, etc. are exposed to various corrosive media such as water, steam, acids, alkalis, salts, gases, organic compounds, etc. Corrosion and degradation can lead to serious consequences such as leaks, ruptures, fires, explosions, environmental damage, health hazards, production losses, and economic losses.

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Therefore Therefore, it is essential for corrosion and materials professionals to understand the various types of corrosion and degradation mechanisms that can affect fixed equipment in refineries and other industrial applications, and how to prevent, mitigate, inspect, and monitor them effectively. This is where the API 571 PDF 2020 comes in handy.

What is API 571 and why is it important?

API 571 is a recommended practice that provides an in-depth look at nearly 70 different damage mechanisms that can affect fixed equipment in refineries and other industrial applications. API stands for American Petroleum Institute, which is the largest trade association for the oil and natural gas industry in the United States. API develops standards, codes, and best practices for the industry to ensure safety, quality, efficiency, and sustainability.

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API 571 is a valuable resource for pressure equipment integrity personnel, corrosion engineers, chemical engineers, and other professionals who need to understand, identify, prevent, mitigate, inspect, and monitor corrosion and degradation processes. API 571 can help in improving the design, fabrication, operation, maintenance, inspection, and repair of fixed equipment in refineries and other industrial applications. API 571 can also help in complying with regulatory requirements and industry standards such as API 510 (Pressure Vessel Inspection Code), API 570 (Piping Inspection Code), API 580 (Risk-Based Inspection), and API 581 (Risk-Based Inspection Methodology).

How to get the latest edition of API 571?

The latest edition of API 571 is the third edition, published in 2020, which includes updates, revisions, and additions to the previous edition from 2011. The third edition of API 571 incorporates feedback from users and experts in the field of corrosion and materials engineering. It also reflects the latest developments and advances in corrosion and degradation science and technology.

The API 571 PDF 2020 can be purchased from the API Publication Store or accessed through the API Standards Online Subscription service. The price of the API 571 PDF 2020 is $225 for non-members and $180 for members. The online subscription service allows users to access the API 571 PDF 2020 along with other API standards and publications for a fixed annual fee.

Alternatively, the API 571 PDF 2020 can be downloaded for free from some online sources, such as, but this may not be legal or reliable. Downloading from unofficial sources may violate the intellectual property rights of the API or expose users to malware or viruses. Users should exercise caution when downloading from unofficial sources and verify the authenticity and quality of the downloaded file.

What are the main features and benefits of API 571 PDF 2020?

The API 571 PDF 2020 covers the following topics for each damage mechanism described:

  • Name of the mechanism: This gives a brief and concise name for the damage mechanism based on its common or technical term.

  • Description of damage: This gives a general overview of the damage mechanism, its causes, effects, modes, forms, locations, etc.

  • Affected materials: This gives a list of the materials that are susceptible or resistant to the damage mechanism.

  • Critical factors: This gives a list of the factors that influence or control the initiation or propagation of the damage mechanism.

  • Affected units or equipment: This gives a list of the units or equipment that are typically affected by the damage mechanism.

  • Appearance or morphology of damage: This gives a description of how the damage looks like on the surface or cross-section of the affected material.

  • Prevention/mitigation: This gives a list of the possible methods or measures that can be used to prevent or reduce the occurrence or severity of the damage mechanism.

  • Inspection and monitoring: This gives a list of the recommended techniques or methods that can be used to detect or monitor the presence or extent of the damage mechanism.

The API 571 PDF 2020 also provides references, definitions, abbreviations, and appendices for further information and guidance.

The API 571 PDF 2020 can help in:

  • Enhancing the knowledge and skills of corrosion and materials professionals: The API 571 PDF 2020 provides a comprehensive and authoritative source of information on corrosion and degradation mechanisms affecting fixed equipment in refineries and other industrial applications. It can help corrosion and materials professionals to learn about learn about the characteristics, causes, effects, and solutions of various damage mechanisms. It can also help them to update their knowledge and skills with the latest developments and advances in corrosion and degradation science and technology.

  • Improving the safety and reliability of fixed equipment in refineries and other industrial applications: The API 571 PDF 2020 provides practical guidance on how to prevent, mitigate, inspect, and monitor corrosion and degradation processes that can compromise the integrity, performance, and lifespan of fixed equipment in refineries and other industrial applications. It can help corrosion and materials professionals to avoid or reduce the risks of leaks, ruptures, fires, explosions, environmental damage, health hazards, production losses, and economic losses.

  • Reducing the costs and risks associated with corrosion and degradation failures: The API 571 PDF 2020 provides cost-effective and risk-based recommendations on how to manage corrosion and degradation issues that can affect fixed equipment in refineries and other industrial applications. It can help corrosion and materials professionals to optimize the design, fabrication, operation, maintenance, inspection, and repair of fixed equipment in refineries and other industrial applications. It can also help them to save money and resources by preventing or minimizing unnecessary or excessive repairs or replacements.

Supporting the development and implementation of effective mechanical integrity programs: The API 571 PDF 2020 provides a framework for developing and implementing mechanical integrity programs that are based on the identification, assessment, prioritization, mitigation, inspection, monitoring, documentation, and management of corrosion and degrada


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